Agricultural and livestock establishments owned by the company
The company is the owner of two establishments in the North-eastern zone of the country, on the border with Brazil, of 20,000 hectares where rice, seeds and other grains are grown. There, 30% of the raw material industrialized is produced.
Irrigation is carried out through two main sources which are the Yaguarón River and the Tacuarí River where it has important pumping stations. The rice rotation and excellent pastures allow the development of 10,000 livestock heads production with a complete cycle plan and fattening in feed lots.
Producers are an integral part of the company and invaluable contribution to the achievement of its goals. The company is strongly committed to their development as responsible and efficient rice growers. Casarone maintains a close ling with them, supporting them with financing, management of land and water leases, seeds, agrochemical products, logistics management and permanent technical advice provided by the company's engineers team. We share visions, experiences, technical and markets information, harvest planning and business projections.